The quickest way to install crossbelt is to the use the curl-bash command. Copy this command to your machine and run it.
curl -s | sudo bash -
This will download and run the installer script which sets up crossbelt on your system.
Running a command
Running crossbelt consists of typing the crossbelt
command on the CLI. As a shortcut you can
also use the cb
04:47 PM ethos@111111 [135.5 hash] /home/ethos $ crossbelt
crossbelt - The Crossbelt command line app
crossbelt [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
--help - Show this message
--version - Display the program version
export - Export Mining Configurations
cu - Commands you can run against your compute units
help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
mining - Mining Related Commands
rig - Commands you can run against your rig
upgrade - Upgrade your rig to the lateset Crossbelt version
By default the crossbelt help screen is shown unless you issue a crossbelt command.
Running a subcommand
A crossbelt command can contain subcommands and parameters that toggle different output. You can use the help screen after a command to see other options and subcommands.
$ cb cu -h
cu - Commands you can run against your compute units
cb [global options] cu [command options] [profit]
cb [global options] cu [command options] cost
cb [global options] cu [command options] info
cb [global options] cu [command options] list
cb [global options] cu [command options] mem
cb [global options] cu [command options] power [--json] [--limit arg]
cb [global options] cu [command options] profitcost
--units, -g arg - Which compute units to include (comma and/or range) 0-1,2,4-5 (default: none)
-c, --costs, --costs=arg - Equipment or other fixed costs, ie. $1500.00 (default: none)
-f, --fees, --fees=arg - Miner and Pool fees in percent ie. 0.04 (default: none)
-m, --monthly_facility_cost, --monthly_facility_cost=arg - Per Compute Unit Monthly Facility Cost, ie. $5.73 (default: none)
-p, --price, --price=arg - Power cost per KWh (default: none)
--[no-]usd, --[no-]usd - Show cost in usd instead of BTC
cost - Shows CU Cost
info - Shows CU information
list - Shows a list of compute units on this rig
mem - Shows CU Memory information
power - Compute Unit Power command
profit - Shows CU Profit information (default)
profitcost - Shows CU Profit information with other costs factored in
To run a subcommand you simply type the crossbelt <command> <subcommand>
$ cb cu power
GPU0 | GPU1 | GPU2 | GPU3 | GPU4 | TOTAL
102 | 105 | 104 | 40 | 80 | 431
Notice GPU3 is not using enough power and has likely failed.
Command Options
Sometimes the command or subcommand will require a option. These options usually are usually used changing the functionality or output value.
In this example we are supplying the cost of power in USD for each kwH
cb cu profit -p 0.1
You will noticed these options in the help screen
cb [global options] cu [command options] power [--units arg|-g arg] [--json] [--limit arg]
Not all commands have options, and some commands have global options like cb cu
-c, --costs, --costs=arg - Equipment or other fixed costs, ie. $1500.00 (default: none)
-f, --fees, --fees=arg - Miner and Pool fees in percent ie. 0.04 (default: none)
-m, --monthly_facility_cost, --monthly_facility_cost=arg - Per Compute Unit Monthly Facility Cost, ie. $5.73 (default: none)
-p, --price, --price=arg - Power cost per KWh (default: none)
--units, -g arg - Which compute units to include (comma and/or range) 0-1,2,4-5 (default: none)
--[no-]usd, --[no-]usd - Show cost in usd instead of BTC
Getting help
At any time you can use the –help or -h flags to show the help screen. This goes for almost all linux commands as well and not just crossbelt.
cb cu -h
cb -h
cb --help