Determining Profitability

Determining rig profitability is an important part of keeping an efficient operation. In the past you might have relied on whattomine or online profit calculators. However, crossbelt has access to the real data so you simply just run a command to produce the calculation..

Compute Unit Profitability

Crossbelt provides individual compute unit profitability calculations so you can determine which compute units are performing optimally.

You can also provide the cost of power in USD with the -p 0.10 option. The default is 0.

$ cb cu profit -p 0.10
0     | GeForce GTX 1070 | 104.83 | 31360000  | 2.127               | 1.6 µBTC    | 3.3 µBTC        | 15.0 µBTC
1     | GeForce GTX 1070 | 104.72 | 31140000  | 2.108               | 1.6 µBTC    | 3.3 µBTC        | 15.0 µBTC
2     | GeForce GTX 1070 | 101.38 | 31380000  | 2.197               | 1.5 µBTC    | 3.3 µBTC        | 15.0 µBTC
3     | GeForce GTX 1070 | 99.13  | 31250000  | 2.228               | 1.5 µBTC    | 3.3 µBTC        | 15.0 µBTC
      | Total            | 410    | 125130000 | 2.17                | 6.2 µBTC    | 13.3 µBTC       | 15.0 µBTC

Profit Ratio

You may notice that crossbelt provides a earnings to cost ratio. This ratio tells you how much you are making compared to how much you are spending. Use this ratio as a basis of comparison with other compute units. Tweaking power settings and/or other settings will affect the hashrate/power and thus help you determine if that change was a positive change. Higher hashrates don’t always give better results if the power usage spikes. Use this data point often to steer your rig into higher profit margins.

Profit and Additional Costs

Crossbelt also provides a similar command to profit called profitcost which allows you to enter reoccurring costs into the calculation that should be calculated on a daily basis. Thing includes things like dev fees or facility costs.

Monthly facility cost

If your facility has a monthly fee you can divide this fee by the amount of compute units present to calculate a per compute unit facility cost. --monthly_facility_cost=5.73

  • Monthly facility fee: $500.
  • Number of Compute Units: 100
  • Monthly facility cost per unit: $5.00

This cost will be used to compute a daily cost of the facility fee for each compute unit.

Cost of power

Each facility will have a different cost for power. You can specify the cost per kwH in USD. -p 0.10 10 cents per kwH.

Show results in USD

You can use the --usd flag to show the results in USD.


You can also add in the fees which is usually used for dev fees or other items.

Use a percentage expressed as a decimal. -f 0.04

-f, --fees, --fees=arg                         - Miner and Pool fees in percent ie. 0.04 (default: none)
-m, --monthly_facility_cost=arg                - Per Compute Unit Monthly Facility Cost, ie. $5.73 (default: none)
-p, --price, --price=arg                       - Power cost per KWh (default: none)

$ cb cu profitcost -f 0.04 -p 0.10 --usd
GeForce GTX 1070 | 2.1          | $0.53          | $0.25            | $0.02      | $0.0                | $0.25
GeForce GTX 1070 | 2.11         | $0.53          | $0.25            | $0.02      | $0.0                | $0.25
GeForce GTX 1070 | 2.19         | $0.53          | $0.24            | $0.02      | $0.0                | $0.24
GeForce GTX 1070 | 2.22         | $0.53          | $0.24            | $0.02      | $0.0                | $0.24

Yikes! Only about $0.25 per day of revenue. Lets hope when we look at this in a year we can laugh at it.

NOTE The profitcost command only adds power and facility costs together and does not combine fees. It is designed to show you all the costs associated by splitting them out and basing them on the current power utilization, hashrate and other factors.

NOTE Crossbelt requires that all hashrates be expressed in a common base unit called “hash”. Mining software often condenses the hashrate to the highest unit such as kh or Mh.